All films shown in the Netherlands are rated by Kijkwijzer. Different rules apply per Kijkwijzer rating.
AL classification
The Kijkwijzer AL indicates that a film does not contain any harmful images and is suitable for visitors of all ages.
6 years / 9 years classification
Children, accompanied by an adult, are admitted to films rated for 6 years and older & 9 years and older.
Kijkwijzer warns of possible scary and violent images in films with the age rating 6 years and 9 years for children under this age. The responsibility and the choice to visit the film anyway, after the advice of Kijkwijzer, lies with the parent / guardian. In the case of children, without an adult supervisor, the age is asked in case of doubt. If it turns out that someone is younger than 6 years or 9 years, access to the film will not be granted.
12 years / 14 years classification
Children, accompanied by an adult, are admitted to films rated for 12 years and older & 14 years and older.
Kijkwijzer warns of possible harmful images in films with the age rating of 12 years and 14 years for children under this age. The responsibility and the choice to visit the film anyway, after the advice of Kijkwijzer, lies with the parent / guardian. In case of doubt, children without an adult supervisor will be asked about their age. If it turns out that someone is younger than 12 years or 14 years, access to the film will not be granted.
16 years / 18 years classification
Pathé strictly adheres to the law on the age rating of 16 years & 18 years, exceptions are never made. For films with a Kijkwijzer of 16 years and 18 years you must be at least 16 years old*. For films rated for 16 years and older and 18 years and older, identification will be requested in case of doubt.
❗ If the visitor is younger than 16 years and / or cannot show identification, access will be refused. In case of refused entry, there will be no refund or compensation for the purchased tickets.
*If a film has a Kijkwijzer for 18 years, the film is accessible to visitors aged 16 and over. However, it is strongly advised to judge for yourself whether the film is suitable for you.
It is also not possible to visit a screening with a 16+ or 18+ rating when accompanied by a parent who does meet the age rating. Always bring a valid ID. Pathé accepts a passport, identity card, driver's license or a residence permit as proof of identity. Other passes or documents are not accepted.
You can find more information about the classifications at Kijkwijzer.
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