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How can I report nuisance in the auditorium?

Last updated on 17 March 2025

With the SMS service you can report any nuisance during the screening to Pathé. An employee will then immediately come to the auditorium to take a look and, if necessary, take action.

SMS [cinema abbreviation] [auditorium number] [report] to 3669. Apart from your usual SMS costs, no additional costs will be charged.


What is the abbreviation of my Pathé cinema?

When making a report, use the following abbreviations:

Pathé Amersfoort: AMER
Pathé Amsterdam Noord: NOORD
Pathé Arena: ARENA
Pathé Arnhem: ARNH
Pathé Breda: BREDA
Pathé Buitenhof: BUIT
Pathé City: CITY
Pathé de Kuip: KUIP
Pathé de Munt: MUNT
Pathé Delft: DELFT
Pathé Ede: EDE
Pathé Eindhoven: EHV
Pathé Groningen: GRON
Pathé Haarlem: HAAR
Pathé Helmond: HELM
Pathé Leeuwarden: LEEUW
Pathé Maastricht: MAAS
Pathé Nijmegen: NIJMEGEN
Pathé Rembrandt Utrecht: REMB
Pathé Scheveningen: SCHEV
Pathé Schiedam: SCHIE
Pathé Schouwburgplein: SCHOUW
Pathé Spuimarkt: SPUI
Pathé Tilburg Centrum: TILB
Pathé Tilburg Stappegoor: STAP
Pathé Tuschinski: TUSCH
Pathé Utrecht Leidsche Rijn: UTRECHT
Pathé Ypenburg: YPEN
Pathé Zaandam: ZAAN
Pathé Zwolle: ZWOL

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