With the SMS service you can report any nuisance during the screening to Pathé. An employee will then immediately come to the auditorium to take a look and, if necessary, take action.
SMS [cinema abbreviation] [auditorium number] [report] to 3669. Apart from your usual SMS costs, no additional costs will be charged.
What is the abbreviation of my Pathé cinema?
When making a report, use the following abbreviations:
Pathé Amersfoort: AMER
Pathé Amsterdam Noord: NOORD
Pathé Arena: ARENA
Pathé Arnhem: ARNH
Pathé Breda: BREDA
Pathé Buitenhof: BUIT
Pathé City: CITY
Pathé de Kuip: KUIP
Pathé de Munt: MUNT
Pathé Delft: DELFT
Pathé Ede: EDE
Pathé Eindhoven: EHV
Pathé Groningen: GRON
Pathé Haarlem: HAAR
Pathé Helmond: HELM
Pathé Leeuwarden: LEEUW
Pathé Maastricht: MAAS
Pathé Nijmegen: NIJMEGEN
Pathé Rembrandt Utrecht: REMB
Pathé Scheveningen: SCHEV
Pathé Schiedam: SCHIE
Pathé Schouwburgplein: SCHOUW
Pathé Spuimarkt: SPUI
Pathé Tilburg Centrum: TILB
Pathé Tilburg Stappegoor: STAP
Pathé Tuschinski: TUSCH
Pathé Utrecht Leidsche Rijn: UTRECHT
Pathé Ypenburg: YPEN
Pathé Zaandam: ZAAN
Pathé Zwolle: ZWOL
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