Ticket rates may vary depending on date, time of day and which Pathé cinema you will be visiting. Most Pathé cinemas offer lower rates during the week. The most favourable rate applies to showtimes before noon.
Children up to 11 years old pay only €8,-* for a ticket to a regular(2D) screening with the Pathé Kidsticket. Children under the age of 2 years old can go to the movies for free, as long as they are seated on the lap of an accompanying adult. The Pathé Kidsticket is not available at Pathé City. Children may also go to the movies without supervision, provided they can adhere to our Visitor Terms and the Kijkwijzer. Parents/guardians must assess if the child can go to the film independently under these conditions.
Booking a Kidsticket:
- Select your seats on the seating plan
- After selecting your seats, press 'Continue'
- Select ‘Kidsticket’
*A surcharge is applied to movies shown in 3D, 4DX (3D), IMAX (3D), ScreenX, Dolby Atmos (3D) and Dolby Cinema (3D).
Monday is Student Day at Pathé. Every Monday students can go to the movies for just €9.00.
Terms and conditions
- The Pathé student ticket is only valid in combination with a valid student card (mbo, hbo, university), CJP card or other proof that you are studying.
- The rates do not include surcharges.
- Not valid on Specials and Events or during the Christmas holidays.
Pathé has various techniques and seating types. Ticket rates can differ per technique, seating type, time and location. View the applicable rate when ordering your tickets via the Pathé website. Any surcharges are already included in the price per ticket.
The following surcharges apply to subscriptions (with the exception of Pathé Unlimited Gold subscribers) and tickets booked with a voucher:
- ScreenX: € 3.00
- 3D: € 1.50 (excluding 3D glasses)
- 4DX: € 5.50 (3D € 7.00 - excluding 3D glasses)
- IMAX: € 3.00 (3D € 4.50 - excluding 3D glasses)
- Dolby Cinema: € 3.00 (3D € 6.50 – including rental 3D glasses)
- Dolby Atmos: € 1.00 (3D € 2.50 - excluding 3D glasses)
With the Stadspas you get up to €3.00 discount on a regular ticket at Pathé Amsterdam Noord, Pathé de Munt and Pathé Arena. At Pathé City you will receive a discount of up to €4.50 and at the Royal Theater Tuschinski the maximum discount on a regular ticket is €5.50. Depending on the time of the screening, the discount will be lower. The Stadspas can be used after 12:00 and is not valid on Friday and Saturday evenings after 18:00. The Stadspas cannot be used during the Christmas holidays either.
Tickets with the Stadspas can be purchased via the website, app, ticket machine and at the cinema box office. The ticket is only valid upon presentation of a valid city pass.
- For 3D, IMAX (3D), Dolby Cinema (3D) and 4DX (3D) performances you pay a surcharge.
- Not valid on Friday and Saturday evenings after 18:00.
- Not valid before 12:00.
- Not valid for Specials and Events.
- Only valid at Amsterdam Pathé cinemas.
- Discount is only valid upon presentation of a valid Stadspas.
Both the Stadspas with the blue and green dot are valid at all Amsterdam Pathé cinemas.
You can use the Rotterdampas at Pathé De Kuip, Pathé Schouwburgplein and Pathé Schiedam. Order your Pathé film voucher on the Rotterdampas website and fill in the Pathé film voucher when booking your ticket.
With the Rotterdampas you can go to a regular screening at Pathé De Kuip, Pathé Schouwburgplein once for free. You can also go to a regular screening at Pathé Schiedam once for free. The free ticket can be ordered via the Rotterdampas website. Surcharges for IMAX, Dolby Cinema, 4DX and 3D must be paid separately.
You can use your U-pas credit for a regular film ticket(2D) at Pathé in Utrecht. If you go to a screening before noon, you pay €6.50 for a regular ticket with the U-pas, if you go to a screening after noon, you pay €7.50 for a regular ticket with the U-pas. For 3D and 4DX(3D) screenings you pay a surcharge which cannot be paid with the credit.
It is not possible to enter the card number of your U-pas online. Buy your tickets at the cinema box office. If you wish to reserve your seats in advance, please phone Pathé Reservations. Take your reservation and U-pas with you to the cinema. The discount on your ticket will be applied at the cinema box office.
With the Gelrepas you can go to a regular film screening(2D) at Pathé Arnhem for €8.00 or €10.00. The rate of €8.00 is valid daily until 18:00h for a regular screening. After 18:00 the rate for a regular screening is €10.00. For 3D and IMAX(3D) screenings you pay a surcharge that can only be paid by pin or gift card. The Gelrepas is not valid in combination with other discounts.
With your Gelrepas credit you can only pay for a ticket and not for surcharges, 3D glasses or drinks and bites. You can also only pay for your ticket if you still have sufficient balance on your Gelrepas. Partial payment of your ticket with remaining balance on the Gelrepas is not possible. If the balance of your Gelrepas is insufficient, you can pay for a ticket at the box office. The Gelrepas is strictly personal and an ID may be requested.
It is not possible to enter the card number of your Gelrepas online. Buy your tickets at the cinema box office. If you wish to reserve your seats in advance, please phone Pathé Reservations. Take your reservation and Gelrepas with you to the cinema. The discount on your ticket will be applied at the cinema box office.
The Meedoenregeling can be used to buy tickets at Pathé Tilburg Stappegoor and Pathé Tilburg Centrum. Buy your tickets with the Meedoenregeling at the cinema box office or reserve your tickets in advance.
Residents of the municipality of Tilburg who participate in the Meedoenregeling can spend their credit of €100 at Pathé Tilburg and/or Pathé Tilburg Stappegoor. Additionally, participants enjoy a discounted rate on regular(2D) screenings. The credit cannot be used for Events, Specials, screenings on Friday and Saturday evenings after 18:00h and during the Christmas holidays. Surcharges for 3D and IMAX must be paid separately.
Once the credit has run out, it is no longer possible to enjoy a discounted rate. The credit can also be used to purchase a popcorn & drinks voucher.
Tickets can only be purchased at the cinema box office upon presentation of a valid ID and the customer number of the municipality of Tilburg. If you wish to reserve your seats in advance, please phone Pathé Reservations. Take your reservation and necessary documents with you to the cinema. The discount on your ticket will be applied at the cinema box office.
Ede Doet Mee
Residents of the municipality of Ede who participate in Ede Doet Mee can order a Pathé filmvoucher for 4, 9, 13 and 18 films at Pathé Ede, which can be used to book tickets online at pathe.nl or at the cinema box office.
The filmvouchers can only be created and collected at the Pathé Ede box office until December 18th 2025 upon presentation of the email confirmation and a valid ID. This is only possible on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 17:00 and 19:00 to 21:30. During school holidays this is possible on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 13:00. The Ede Doet Mee pass is strictly personal and only valid for regular screenings(2D) until 31 December 2025. For 3D and Dolby Atmos screenings you pay a surcharge. You can read the full terms and conditions on the website of the municipality of Ede.
How to redeem a Pathé filmvoucher:
- Select your seats on the seating plan
- Press 'Continue'
- Select 'Voucher' and enter your voucher code
- Select the arrow to redeem your voucher
With the Ooievaarspas you get a 50% discount on your ticket for a regular(2D) screening at Pathé Buitenhof, Pathé Scheveningen, Pathé Spuimarkt or Pathé Ypenburg. The Ooievaarspas is valid from Sunday to Thursday from 12:00 and on Friday and Saturday from 12:00 to 18:00. The Ooievaarspas cannot be used during the Christmas holidays. The discount does not apply to Dolby Cinema, Dolby Atmos, IMAX, 4DX and ScreenX screenings. A surcharge is applied to 3D screenings.
Buy your tickets with the Ooievaarspas at the cinema box office or reserve your tickets in advance. If you wish to reserve your seats in advance, please phone Pathé Reservations. Take your reservation and Ooievaarspas with you to the cinema. The discount on your ticket will be applied at the cinema box office.
Please visit our website for more information.
With the Zandvoort and Haarlempas, you get a discount on your regular ticket at Pathé Haarlem. Your regular ticket will then be €7.45. You pay a surcharge for 3D performances. The Zandvoort and Haarlempas cannot be used on Friday and Saturday evenings from 6:00 PM, during the Christmas holidays and for specials and events.
Tickets can be purchased at the cinema box office. It is possible to make a reservation in advance. To make a reservation, please phone Pathé Reservations.
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