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Can I watch Pathé Thuis with my Apple TV?

Last updated on 17 March 2025

You can install the Pathé Thuis app on an Apple TV (4th generation or higher).

1. Go to the AppStore on your Apple TV
2. Search for 'Pathé Thuis'
3. Install the application
4. You can now log in via a pairing code or via your email addressEnjoy watching!

*From generation 2 you can use AirPlay.


How can I use AirPlay?

Airplay makes it possible to stream video and audio between devices. You can stream films from an iOS device to an Apple TV (2nd generation or higher) via Airplay. You can then easily watch films on your television via Airplay.


How can I use Airplay with Pathé Thuis?

You can use Pathé Thuis via Airplay. You need an iPad or iPhone with at least iOS 8. Follow these steps to watch your film via Airplay:

1. Connect to the same WiFi network on your iOS device and Apple TV.
2. Start your film via the Pathé Thuis app.
3. Press the ‘Airplay’ icon while watching the film.


The best image quality with AirPlay

Apple TV automatically chooses the best mode that your TV supports. The TV adjusts this based on the stream. Are you experiencing jerky or stuck images? Then follow these steps to solve this problem.

1. Press ‘Menu’ on the Apple TV remote control.
2. Then press ‘Settings’ in the menu.
3. Then select ‘Audio and Video’.
4. Select the ‘Resolution’ setting under ‘Video’.
5. Select 1080p 50hz under resolution.

Your Apple TV is now set up correctly for Pathé Thuis films.

Do you have any questions about Airplay? We are happy to help you via our customer service.

Pathe Thuis

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